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​Plant cell water and exosomes
Plant exosomes and miRNA

​Plant exosomes and miRNA

​Exosomes exist not only in humans but also in plants. Humans have cells that can provide bad information, such as cancer cells, but such cells have not yet been found in the plants we are targeting (plants that humans have eaten). 

Many studies and papers have been published so far. The figure on the upper right shows the microRNAs that have been identified in exosomes present in each plant, and each has different effects. The figure on the lower right shows the effect of ginger-derived exosomes on the intestinal flora of mice.

for example,
Anti-inflammatory effects of ginger, grapefruit, and shiitake mushrooms
Ginger/Shiitake/Buto metabolic syndrome
Lemon and ginger have antibacterial properties
There are also papers on lemon and its anti-cancer effects.

Recently, there has also been a paper report that administration of ginger exosomes to mice infected with COVID-19 subsided the inflammation.

Plant exosomes and miRNA.png
GELNs and rat intestinal environment.png
Nanosite analysis and electron microscopy analysis.png
Hepatocyte protection effect verification test.png

Shima Azami cell water and exosomes

Shima Azami cell fluid contains many exosomes.

By outsourcing our research to an external research institution, we discovered for the first time in the world that exosomes are contained in plant cell fluid extracted from Shima Azami.

In addition, research by a professor famous for exosome research has discovered that exosomes from Shima Azami cell fluid reduce the effects of alcohol poisoning on liver cells by 85%.

We handle botanical products using plant cell water.

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